Summary: The Abuse Of Adderall

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I have felt the pressure of an upcoming due date; the stirring in the pit of my stomach, the swift kick in the side for not completing an assignment, forcing its way back up, screaming, “I know you didn’t forget about me!”. It was not until this year that I have decided to take action in how I manage my time. For most people, they will look for brain-boosting drugs to curve the consequences of procrastination. The misuse of Adderall, a most commonly prescribed stimulant to treat Attention-Deficit Disorder, is a growing on U.S. college campuses. Studies show a “…range from 7.1% to 29% among adults, 5.3% to 55% among college students, and 1.7% to 4.5% among adolescents” (Weyandt et al. 20). The abuse of Adderall and other ‘study drugs’ e.g. …show more content…

The reason behind this is not simply because of the side effects involved in taking brain-boosting drugs but because they give an ‘unfair’ advantage in an educational environment. Lamkin refutes, “But the instinct to view the problem as a form of unfair competition is itself a manifestation of the debased education culture that has rendered these drugs so attractive to students” (641). “ Motlow State Community College doesn’t classify the use of prescription drugs as ‘cheating’, however, in the General Regulations on Student Conduct and Disciplinary Sanctions in Student Affairs, “The unlawful use, possession, distribution, sale or manufacture of any drug or controlled substance…” this includes but is not “limited to, any stimulant, depressant, narcotic, or hallucinogenic drug or substances or marijuana), being under the influence of any drug or controlled substance, or the misuse of legally prescribed or “over the counter” drugs is prohibited”(Motlow State Community College, k). But how often do students follow honor codes? Of course sanctions will be given if the code of conduct is broken but for example, Motlow State Community College is a Tobacco-Free campus and to what extent is this upheld? I continue to see the parking lot littered with cigarette buds to this

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