Student Athlete Drug Policy Case Study

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Between 1988 and 1989 the small community of Vernonia, Oregon began to notice an increase in drug use. Students of the Vernonia School District were enamored with drug culture and with the fascination came a surge in disciplinary problems. Soon, official investigations provided knowledge that student athletes were the most involved in these illegal activities, and were leading their peers. This caused a bundle of new worries, since drugs can increase the risk of exercise related activity. As expert testimony at the trial reveals, the deleterious effects of drugs on motivation, memory, judgment, reaction, coordination, and performance. At first, resources were offered to the students to try and guide them out of the drug problem; special classes, group speakers, presentations and drug dogs …show more content…

This meeting is where all gave a unanimous approval to the Student Athlete Drug Policy (Policy). This policy would keep student athletes from using drugs and, since athletes were the leaders of the drug craze, effectively help limit other students’ usage as well. The Policy applies to all students participating in school run sports; the athletes have to sign a form consenting to drug testing and are all mandatorily tested at the beginning of a season. Then, once a week, a random drawing of athletes is chosen to be tested. If a test is positive, the student is tested again for