The Importance Of Academic Integrity

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One of the most crucial traits a scholar can develop is a high level of self-efficacy which is essential to academic success. The ability to achieve and to recognize that success can come from being industrious should be the deterring factor for a student who considers committing the act of plagiarism. What is plagiarism one might ask? Voelker, Love & Pentina (2012) define plagiarism as, “putting forward another’s work as your own” (p. 37). This very pervasive problem plagues the education system, and many researchers and psychologist seek to explain the driving force behind students’ academic dishonesty. Woith, Jenkins & Kerber (2012, states that, “The Center for Academic Integrity (CAI) defines academic integrity as ‘a commitment, even in the face of adversity, to five fundamental values: honesty, trust, fairness, respect, and responsibility (Center for Academic Integrity, n.d.)’ (p. 253). Whether the act of plagiarism is knowingly or inadvertently done, it is still a moral dilemma. Honz, Kiewra & Yang (2010) posit that, “most studies report that about 75 percent of students cheat” (p. 10). As a result, this action plan is tailored towards showcasing the various methodologies and resources that student nurses can utilize in order to combat the act of plagiarism before, during and after an assignment.

II. Preventing Plagiarism before an Assignment
Objective: Complete an educational workshop on identifying and avoiding plagiarism. Estimated Time: A day