Five Food Sources

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Foods are grouped together because they offer similar amounts of key nutrients. For example, key nutrient of the fruit group is a good sources of vitamins, especially vitamin C, while milk, yoghurt, cheese and alternatives group that include calcium and protein. Overall, people should have to include the all the five food sources in the diet. It’s not hard to include foods from the five food sources into the snacks and meals. Some suggestions include:
1. Grain Food Sources
Rice, pasta, noodles, bread and cereals – are the foods that high in content of carbohydrates and it will provide energy. People can add pasta or noodles, rice to serves of protein and vegetables for a standard one meal. Besides, there are many varieties in this food sources. …show more content…

It is the food that is easy to take as a snack and can be included in every meal. For example, people can try to add some berries in our yoghurt for an afternoon snack, a banana with our breakfast cereal and can try to an apple for morning tea. Fresh whole fruit is recommended over fruit juice and dried fruit. Fruit juice has less fiber than fresh fruit. Both of the fruit juice and dried fruits are more concentrated sources of sugar and energy. By the way, eat dried fruit can cause stick to the teeth which can increase the risk of dental caries. So, it is better consuming fresh whole fruits that compare with consume fruit juice and dried fruits.

Vegetable – is the food that contain a variety of nutrients including vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Cooked or raw vegetables can be used as a part of lunch and dinner or as a snack food. Vegetable soup can make a salad vegetables can be used as a sandwich filling and become a healthy lunch. Besides, stir-fries, vegetable curries and vegetable patties can also become as a nutritious evening meal. People should try raw vegetables like carrot and celery sticks for a snack ‘on the run’ to consume more …show more content…

It’s easy to include a mixture of protein in meals and snacks. People can try to add lean meat to our sandwich or have a handful of nuts as a snack. And, can also add legumes to soups or stews for an evening meal. This will help people to consume more protein. (Australian guide to healthy eating, 2013)

5. Fats, Oils and Sweet Food Sources
French fries, butter, mayonnaise, soft drinks, chips, candy or chocolate, doughnuts and others – are the foods at the top of the pyramid include fats, oils and sweets that contain inside of beverages such as sodas or fruit drinks. These foods contain a lot of fat calories and sugar but not a lot of vitamins or minerals, and usually referred to "empty" calories. People need to avoid eating these foods and can try to eat foods from the top of the pyramid sparingly, or less frequently. (Department of Food & Nutrition Miami-Dade County Public Schools, 2002-2003)

Conclusion, people need to eat the foods that needed and suitable. Each of these food groups provides some, but not all, of the nutrients needed. None of the food group is more important than another food group because people need them all for maintain or enhance the body health and reduce the risk of

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