Five Kingdoms Of Life: The Five Kingdomss Of Life

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The five kingdoms of life are monea, protista, fungi, plantae , and animalia, which include animas like clams. Within the Animalia kingdom that are different groups, each which are called phylums, and clams are considered in the phylum group known as mollusks. Mollusks which derive from the latin word mollis, means "soft". In the world ther are 1500 different kinds of mollusks whome are grouped into six different classes. One of these classes are called bivalves, which are aquatic mollusks because they their shells close together along their upper midline. The clams, which fir in the bivalve catergory, are unique creatures that have many preadoters, and can be harvested during clamming season.

The world clam comes from an Anglo-Saxon word that …show more content…

Otters also enjoy these delicious bivalves, especially the butter clams. Bears and seagulls also prey on there clams. One of the ways the seagulls enjoy eating them is by dropping them on rocks so that they crack open. These animals enjoy clams, just as much as we do, but there are restrictions to when and where people can dig up clams.

The timing and length of clam season varies between countries, states, and communities . Some are year round seasons, while others are only a week at a time. But in general, the coastel areas set ther clam season depending on the weather and close it when they are dangerous levels of algae on the water. This wat they can watch the clam population or allow younger clams to grow. While in other areas where there is a sign of red tide conditons, the clams eat the diatoms, or algae, which increase the amount of toxin in them. This is protects them form predators but it is harful ro humans, so clam season can be suspende until the clas are safe to eat. These delicious bivalves are abundant but not alwasy available.

These varying bivalves nourishe wild life, including humans, but they are restricted to certain

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