Five Steps Of The Five Stages Of Consumer Decision-Making Skills

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TASK 2 CHAPTER 6 CONSUMER DECISION MAKING Identify and describe a recent purchase in which you were highly involved and which required extended decision-making e.g. car, computer, TV. When buying products consumers follow a consumer decision-making process. According to McDaniel, Lamb and Hair (2013, p. 186) the consumer decision-making process is “a five-step process used by consumers when buying goods or services” that identifies and evaluates choice options. Using the consumer decision-making model as a guide, the below will look at the five steps of my decision-making process which influenced in my decision-making in the purchase of a new mobile smartphone S7 with Meteor: 1. Need Recognition How did you recognise the initial problem? What underlying motivations would the purchase fulfil? This was the first step in my decision-making process, the need of recognition. Factors like Psychological influence helped identify that the old mobile phone Samsung S5 was outdated and with my 18-month contract finished with Meteor, receiving a text stating an entitlement to an upgrade triggered my external stimuli. According to McDaniel, Lamb and Hair (2013, p. 186) external stimuli are “influences from an outside source”. Knowing the entitlement to an upgrade for a new phone triggered my internal stimuli which according to McDaniel, Lamb and Hair (2013, p. 186) suggests they are “occurrences you experience” which in my case was the want and need to buy a new phone Samsung S7.

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