Florence Becomes A Nurse During Her Time Essay

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Florence was a unique woman and ahead of her time.
Discuss how a women of means becomes a nurse during her time period. How did she pull this off??? The only way she was able to pull something like that off in her time period was through sheer determination and desire. Her childhood wasn’t one of ease, and the way women were treated in some areas during that time had a lot to do with it. She found her self without direction and with no real purpose in life until she decided on becoming a nurse.
2. How did her research add to nursing knowledge and the foundation of nursing. A foundation of knowledge adds to the science of nursing and make nursing stand alone as a discipline. When Nightingale returned from the Crimean war, she was convicted that the desperate loss of life she had seen should never have to occur again. This feeling gave her drive and a passion to investigate the causes of the high mortality rate. She build a team of “sanitary experts” and began reviewing every detail of hers and others work during …show more content…

Nightingale advocated that nursing was separate from medicine, with a goal of putting the patient in the best possible condition in order for nature to act. Her environment paradigm is probably the most important aspect of her theory. Her observations demonstrated that unsanitary environments directly contributed to ill health, and that the environment can be altered in order to improved conditions for each patient and allow maximum healing time to occur. Because the Environment Theory is a patient-care theory, it focuses on the care of the patient rather that the nursing process. The model can be adapted to fit the individual needs of each patient and therefore is still very valuable