Florence Nightingale Research Paper

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Epic Hero Paper: Florence Nightingale During the 1800’s, proper women followed strict customs to achieve social status and pleasure. It was not customary of women to do the jobs of men. Some women, however, pursued lives beyond the status quo. One woman in particular was a catalyst in her work and helped changed the way people viewed working women. Florence Nightingale effectively changed the medical field forever with her innovative ideas and determination. Nightingale helped women to be accepted into the medical field, as well ad reducing the death rates of patients by two thirds. Florence Nightingale embodied the characteristics of an epic hero because she was a national, had great strength and courage, and traveled over a vast setting. Florence Nightingale achieved national heroism by earning respect and fame from those around her. Nightingale’s contribution helped her become, …show more content…

Nightingale’s family was of a higher social class, they did not approve of her goal to be a nurse, and “her family furiously resisted her plan, on the ostensible ground that nurses were not ‘ladies’ but menial drudges, usually of questionable morals”(“Florence Nightingale” 1). Nightingale’s determination to improve the medical field regardless of what her family or others thought shows that she was very brave. Although she faced many obstacles, such as appalling hospital conditions and a great need for an improved supply system, Nightingale persevered in a male dominated work-force. Nightingale was strong and courageous, and refused to stop doing what she felt was right. Regardless of the challenges and setbacks she faced, Nightingale was unflinching and strong-minded, and she accomplished great things because of this. In addition to her strength and courage, Nightingale was also an epic hero because she traveled over a vast