Fluent Latinoas Don T Judge Us By Tracy Cruz Summary

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Are you a true Latinx?
What defines a true Latinx? The article “Non Spanish-Fluent Latinas: Don't Judge Us” by Tracy López asserts it is unfair for society to deliberately accuse Latinos of being “fake Latinx” because of their lack of fluency in the Spanish language. Lopez’s key points in this article were that insecurity and judgment is often a reason for lack of fluency and that speaking Spanish is not a requirement to be a Latina. She Uses experiences of famous celebrities like Selena Quintanilla and Selena Gomez . My stance supports Lopez’s argument that those who judge non Spanish speaking Latinos are inconsiderate as it develops insecurity in that person, because they are merely human and and are not at fault. Lopez strategically …show more content…

“By 2050, the united states will be home to the most spanish speakers in the world, even so there are many latinx who are either not fluent or don't speak spanish at all,” then follows with a statistic, “The grandchildren of immigrants are likely to speak only english by the third generation only 17% of hispanics speak spanish fluently and by the fourth generation it drops to 5%. She begins with logos, second hand quantitative evidence ensuring she captures the reader's attention in relation to her main argument. She then transitions to pathos, the appeal to emotion including an examples of a Puerto Rican woman named Andria Morales who says “not speaking spanish has made me ineligible for opportunities,” which creates judgment against her leading to insecurity when trying to incorporate the Spanish language. Of course using the appeal to ethos is also an effective strategy to prove your point. Background information is given about Tracy Lopez to establish a relationship between her readers and reliability, Lopez appeared in various publications in cuding Ser padres magazine cafe magazine andplaza familia. Selena Quintanilla is an iconic example of someone who faced criticism for her american accent when speaking spanish, as well as Selena Gomez who expresses her insecurity with a quote that reads “ I don't want to say it in spanish because I'd be embarrassed if I mess something up.”