
Foil Characters In Pride And Prejudice Essay

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Hayden Tadlock
English IIII Honors
Mrs. Schroder
3 May 2023
Pride and Prejudice The novel “Pride and Prejudice” by Jane Austen, is a book about the relationships between middle-class and upper-class people in England in the late 1700s. In this novel, we are introduced to countless memorable characters that you will either love or hate. Many different characters have certain flaws, characteristics, beliefs, and behaviors that are represented throughout the book. Many of these traits are expressed or highlighted in the books by foil characters, which are opposites or counterparts of some characters. I believe that foil characters highlight and express important flaws and also good qualities of characters that contribute to the development and …show more content…

Darcy and Mr. Whickham. These two characters throughout the novel are very different from each other. On one hand Mr. Darcy was born rich and had many resources to use in his childhood and youth. On the other hand, Mr. George Whickham was born with barely anything but his father worked on Mr. Darcy’s father's estate. They grew up in two different worlds but in their childhood, they were still best friends. They remained friends until they were older and things got more complicated. Throughout the novel, you can tell how different they are from each other and exactly how far they have grown apart from each other since their youth. This is why they are foils for each …show more content…

Darcy and Mr. Whickham is that Mr. Darcy is proud and Mr. Whickham is prejudiced. This is shown clearly throughout the novel by both characters. Mr. Whickham is prejudiced in the novel because he is selfish, conniving, fake, and overall not a very pleasant person. While Mr. Darcy is proud and can come off as slightly rude or arrogant at times but also content with what he has and how much he is worth. Mr. Darcy’s kindness and pride are shown throughout the novel but especially in one event. He chooses to completely pay off Whickham secretly to spare the Bennet family incredible shame. He also did this secretly to take no credit for what he did, which exhibits his pride, honesty, and values. Mr. Whickham’s values are shown through his proposal to Georgiana and his scam with Lydia to gain riches. For this reason, I believe Whickham is a foil for Darcy to highlight his good qualities and

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