Folkways Mores Laws And Taboos

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Writing Assignment # 2: Folkways In sociology, there are four particular categories of norms: folkways, mores, laws, and taboos. The definition of folkway is a norm of everyday behavior that people adhere to for the sake of convenience or tradition. What is acceptable in one society could actually not be acceptable in another. In the America a huge folkway that people participate in in their lives is waiting in line. This is the folkway I have selected for this assignment. People loath waiting in line and a few will even alter their plans to avoid it. People wait in their cars in drive-thrus. The worst line of all is at an amusement park. Although, nearly all places do not have any signs that say to form a straight line, people will …show more content…

This is for certain when one holds up the checkout line. Nobody cares about the money you are saving. Customers are not the only ones that are frustrated with you, the cashier is not enjoying it either. Customers behind us had an array of reaction to the slow moving line and this was the case at all four stores. People’s greatest common reactions were eye rolling, huffing, and puffing. In addition, there were a few “come on lady” and “what’s your problem.” Even though, I was in line with her and shopping with her hardly any of the people responded towards me. They would not glance at me, either. I expected this though. I have been dealing with this phenomenon of being invisible for quite an amount of time now. The reason, I am wheelchair bound; it has disadvantages and advantages. I put a little Yorkie I have in my lap and all of a sudden people see me. In addition to this, there occurred a change in body language. There were an abundance of red faces and shifting of weight from one foot to the other. People seemed extra fidgety and their chest were puffed out, at times. Younger males were the utmost substantial responders. The older generation were the utmost patient and I notice no difference in the way races reacted. I did expect nearly all of the behaviors, considering I would probably have roughly the same reactions. Although, I did not expect a customer to offer to pay for our purchase