Ciara Campos Professor Shamiryan English 096 November 9, 2015 Modifying into Cultures Everybody has a different definition of success. Success can be interpreted into having happiness, having knowledge, and being financially stabled. Most people describe it as being patient and having a positive mindset. Malcolm Gladwell, author of Outliers, demonstrated how without the knowledge of other cultures, there are many things that people won’t consider questioning or realizing about it. He also showed how people need to adapt to a new culture in order to achieve success since it affects how society deals with culturism today. Some cultural legacies have very high standards than others into achieving goals and dreams. Cultural legacies impact today’s …show more content…
In the Hispanic culture there is parents that grew up not having an education and aren’t well aware of how the education system works. Some people that are part of the Hispanic culture are most likely from a low income budget or are part of middle class. This culture fails sometimes in achieving success because parents especially are never around to push their children into accomplishing their school studies because they are working full time jobs trying to keep a roof over their head. Every parent wants their own kid to achieve success and to make them proud no matter what but when the parent isn’t around their very own child can become less motivated by not having that push they need. Kids start to fall behind and their mindsets towards school are less likely to be considered at all. “For Hispanics in the United States, the educational experience is one of accumulated disadvantage. Many Hispanic students begin formalized schooling without the economic and social resources that many other students receive, and schools are often ill equipped to compensate for these initial disparities” (Schhneider). In Outliers, Gladwell demonstrates the education system involving today’s KIPP Academy located in New York City specifically towards Marita’s educational life. Marita's life is not the life of a typical …show more content…
There is the cultural norms who are meant to set traditions which are defined to asking a lot of questions and who set up a certain pattern for themselves and their future generations. Then there is those that have a lot of honor towards their own culture. They demonstrate pride as well as respect and put family bonds before anyone or anything else. They set certain type of mindsets all the time and stay loyal basically they are considered the clannish groups of cultures. In Outliers, Gladwell makes a point about how trending rice paddies is a complicated issue that requires constant hard work. To have a successful rice paddy, you have to rise before dawn and work hard all day, every day. The amount of work and diligence you put into the paddy directly affects how successful it will be. In contrast, many Western farmers learned to use large farm machinery to reduce their work. But in China and other Asian countries, the rice paddies are so small and on steep mountainsides that would not accommodate such machinery. The result is that rice paddies still require hard, personalized, individualized manual labor to thrive as well as commitment, meaningful work involving autonomy, complexity, and