Football Cheerleaders Research Paper

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Friday October 20, the West Sioux Football Cheerleaders held their annual little Falcon Cheer Camp during halftime of the football game. There were girls in kindergarten through middle school who were encouraged to participate in the camp. The girls met after school on Wednesday and Friday till 5:15 learning all different kinds of cheers. It was a great way for the campers to interact with the football cheerleaders, and to learn many of the cheers that are done every Friday night. Kindergarten and First grade had participants. They were coached by Gracie Rens and Shayden Blankenship. The little girls were taught Jump Shake Your Booty, Who Rocks The House, and B-E-A-T. Rens said “I enjoyed watching all the little cheerleaders try the cheers, and seeing all the different ways they did them.” Her favorite cheer she taught was Jump Shake Your Booty. There were campers in Second and Third grade. Grace Schuller, Breanna Klocke, and Emily Klocke taught the girls Knock Em Down, L-E-T-S-G-O, and Don’t Wait Don’t Hesitate this week. Grace Schuller said “Knock Em Down was her favorite cheer to teach, because it was cute when the little girls tried it.” Schuller also stated that she enjoyed watching all the …show more content…

She was a main part in putting on the cheer camp. Melinda has been the cheer coach for four years. Her favorite part of cheer camp is getting to see all the girls go out in front of the home crowd with smiles on their faces, excited to cheer. Melinda said, “We put on cheer camp because we want to get the girls interested in cheer, and try to help prepare if they want to be on the squad in the future.” When asked if all the hard work put into cheer camp was worth it, she simply stated, “Yes, in future years you’ll see some of these girls cheering, because they had that spark from cheer camp in elementary and middle school.” Coach Bak was a key part on making this camp happen, and run