
Lord Of The Flies Quote Analysis

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In one of many Jack Welch’s influential interviews he says, “Before you are a leader, success is all about growing yourself. When you become a leader, success is all about growing others.” In this quote, Welch explains how someone must be confident in themselves before helping other people. It can be very difficult to direct other people in a successful direction if you aren’t successful yourself. The fiction novel, Lord of the Flies, by William Golding is about a group of a variety of ages of kids who are stranded on an island after a plane crash. The boys must survive on the island and fend for themselves to survive. No adults are left on the island, it is simply just kids who strive to create their own society. To create their own society, …show more content…

In the novel, Ralph is talking to the boys trying to get them to understand the need for a signal fire. Golding states, ‘“The fire is the most important thing. Without the fire, we can’t be rescued. We’re no better than savages.”’ This quote shows maturity because Ralph is acknowledging the need for a signal fire. Ralph understands the importance of rules and is able to influence the boys. He sacrifices with arduous decisions to perform leadership over the boys. Another instance where Ralph shows maturity is when he is with the group of boys. “Ralph sat on a fallen trunk, his left side to the sun. On his right were most of the choir; on his left the larger boys who had not known each other before the evacuation; before him small children squatted in the grass.” This quote shows Ralph is mature enough to supervise all the littluns and older kids. He has taken the role of responsibility to watch over the group. Ralph makes sure they are safe and not causing any harm to anyone or anything. Being able to watch over multiple kids is a good quality to have. Substantially, Ralph is able to stand up independently for the group as a leader with high levels of …show more content…

In this scene, Ralph explains how important rules are. He takes extra time to talk and communicate with the boys to help them understand the importance of rules. In chapter two Ralph comments, ‘“We’ve got to have rules and obey them. After all, we’re not savages.”’ In this piece of evidence, Ralph is explaining to the boys that rules on the island are necessary. This shows leadership because Ralph is recognizing the need for regulation in their society. He knows that without rules they won’t cooperate together well. Ralph has a level of control over the boys with certain rules. By establishing rules, the society will come together as a team rather than individuals. Another example where Ralph is mature is when Ralph speaks to the boys. He makes a plan and informs the boys about it. William Golding writes, “‘We’ll go early tomorrow morning and search the island.’” In this quote, Ralph tells the boys they will search in the morning for the beast on the island. While the boys are frightened by the beast, Ralph is attempting to be responsible for the safety of all the boys. Ralph addresses the situation instead of sitting back intimidated. He is attempting to show the boys that there are no dangerous “beast” on the island. With Ralph’s actions of authority, he is showing constant responsibility in the

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