
Forensic Evidence: Azaria Chamberlain By Laura Hitler

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Topic: Azaria Chamberlain By Laura Winkler
Deep Question: Question: How did the forensic scientists get it so wrong (evidence) and why did they convict her on the 2nd inquest if there wasn’t enough evidence that sufficiently supported the murder of Azaria Chamberlain.
Shouldn’t everyone have the right to be innocent until proven guilty?
Evidence carries weight and the weight of the flawed forensic evidence in Lindy Chamberlain’s trial sent her to prison. The story of Lindy Chamberlain has changed quiet a lot throughout the last 30 years with the advancement of technology and science. For starters pieces of evidence that strongly pulled together the defence’s case were viewed with doubt and disbelief from the prosecution but …show more content…

For starters they didn’t look properly at the facts there was minimal blood found on Azaria jumpsuit. So how could it have been that her carotid vein that was cut? There would have had to have been a lot more blood on the jumpsuit and the blood on the jumpsuit around the neck happened simultaneously this would not be the case if her carotid vein was cut as it would travel through the material at different speeds. Also there was a small left and right hand imprint on the jumpsuit the apparently looked like a small hand print. This piece of evidence was not forensically tested to be true but it was used in the court case which helped lock Lindy Chamberlain up. The prosecution got it wrong though as the hand print “showed 4 phalanges whilst Lindy Chamberlain and virtually every other human on the planet only have 3”. So what made this mark and why didn’t the defence pick it …show more content…

There was a spray of blood on the dashboard which was at the precise location if her carotid vein was cut. Therefore the prosecution assumed Azaria met her death in the car. This allowed them to convince the jury that Azaria had been murdered which led to the wrongful accusation of the death. But this was just another forensic mistake made by the forensic scientist at the time as it was actually copper oxide which when mixed Luminol gives the same readings as blood. This compound is commonly found in Mount Isa. Which is where the Chamberlains live which is where the copper oxide would be traced

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