Forensic Science By Mrs. Roach: Summary

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Mrs. Roach starts the book by telling about the time she experienced a facial anatomy and face lift refresher course. She explains how a human skull and a severed head effect the living human handling the cadavers remains mentality. With a head, there 's still tissue, it 's almost like you can feel every day that person has ever lived in your hands. But with a skull there is no tissue, only bone making the remains seem...Less than human. During the rising action of the book, Roach talks about more of the things she’s encountered on her journey to becoming a Forensic Scientist. She speaks of a memorial service for the unnamed cadavers from the University of California, San Fransisco Medical School class of 2004, where she was touched …show more content…

Our next stop on this amazing journey that Mrs. Roach describes to us is, Wayne State University. She observes how cadavers are used in impact studies. She uses car crash testing as an example here. Also at the University, Roach talks to an analyst of the flight 800 plane crash. The analyst tells Roach of how all the wounds of the passengers told the stories of how they came to pass. Next on the observation table was a feature of Forensics Science that is frowned upon by many. Ballistics testing on cadavers. But Roach didn 't find that appalling a bit. She found that, for humanitarian purposes only, ballistic testing on cadavers is perfectly fine rather than shameful. However, she was very unimpressed seeing firsthand, cadavers being used as religious propaganda. The final observations I 'd like to put in my summary of this fantastic book, are of the last discussion Roach has with her audience in this book. She describes what she 'd like to have her funeral be like. She ponders the idea of donating her body to Science. Possibly being a skeleton for a class of Forensic Science students to study. But she comes to the conclusion that, she should let her husband do whatever helps him to cope with her passing, should she pass