
Foreshadowing In Hamlet

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In the previous essays, I talked about how Hamlet was feeling with everything happening. But, as the play comes to end, there seems to be more deaths. If you haven’t read or been following along, Claudius has planned on sending Hamlet to England where the king there, will chop his head off. Claudius sends Rosencrantz and Guildenstern with Hamlet to deliver the letter he had written. When Hamlet finds out, it all starts to unravel into some bad chaos. But, as I’m trying to get ahead of myself, you might be asking what happened to Polonius’s body, well you see, Hamlet has just finished disposing the body of his girlfriend's father, also saying the body has been “safely stowed”. To not get any further than I have, there are many deaths in Acts four and five. …show more content…

If you haven’t guessed it, she turned her own son, she just turned him in. When Gertrude informed the king, he realized that Hamlet was meaning for it to be the him and not Polonius. Claudius seen a door open and decided that he was going to send Hamlet away, but he informed him and his mother that it was so he could be safe. Claudius wrote a letter to the king of England, informing him what he wanted him to do to Hamlet. If you ask me, Claudius was planning on just getting rid of Hamlet, only because he found out that, Claudius, Hamlet’s father’s brother killed him. But, as for Hamlet, Polonius is his first

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