
Foreshadowing In Nicol's Life Is Sweet At Kumansen

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In Life is Sweet at Kumansenu, Nicol employs foreshadowing in order to create a conflicting experience for the reader. Nicol crafts the section where Meji wants to eat but, can not because he is already dead, to foreshadow that Meji wants to have the experience of living his life again, causing the reader to wonder if Meji was really just there to mock his mother or just trying to live his life again. The reader can hear the mother narrate, “because she knew it was one child all the time whose spirit crept up restlessly into her womb to be born again and mock her” (148). Which the reader can imagine that the mother finds this annoying.Nicol uses the ability that Meji can walk through door while they are locked and Meji not having a shadow
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