Forrest Gump Level 3 Title: Forrest Gump Year: 1994 Genre: Drama/Drama Comedy Director: Robert Zemeckis Music: Alan Silvestri (the famous song: I’m Forrest... Forrest Gump) Main actors: Tom Hanks, Robin Wright, Gary Sinise, Mykeli Williamson, Sally Field Summary of the plot: The plot in this movie it that this man with IQ on 75 named Forrest Gump who lives at his mother in Alabama. And hen he was a kid he had some braces on his legs but one day they felt of when he run from some boys, and since then he run everywhere. He went. The whole movie starts with Forrest Gump sitting on a bench, waiting on the bus. Actually the whole plot its about Forrest who had Jenny his best friend. But he lost her as a friend, because she traveled away. He felt in love with her, and he couldn’t do anything about it. On his way to …show more content…
He is very brave like when we was in the army in Vietnam. And when he just run away from those boys who wanted to bully him. He its also very kind and he cares about the others. •Jenny Curran (Robin Wright) it’s Forrest best friend since the first ride on the bus to school. Jenny its a very lovely girl, and she it’s very brave. She lives a hard life but she it’s motivated for it. My opinion on her its that she change her mind often. Because sometimes he wanna be with Forrrest, but sometimes she wanna live with the “hippies”. That’s my opinion. •Bubba (Mykeli Williamson). Bubba gets Forrest best friend in the army. He its not smarter then Forrest I think actually he’s stupider, and he was black. Bubba was a strange type. He died in Forrest arms in Vietnam. Bubba its very kind and he its very caring. •Mrs. Gump (Sally Field) she is Forrest mother and she its very kind to him, she is also very caring. She’s doing everything to get Forrest in to the best school, and she’s doing everything to make Forrest