Disciplinary Civilization Analysis

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Juan Miguel Manzanillo 112499
September 11, 2014
The extent to which our so called, "Disciplinary Civilization" remains invested in speculation and conjecture as opposed to classical civilization's traditional commitments to induction, is demonstrated by Michel Foucault's critical interrogations of:
(A) Pedagogical Systems which strictly demand that in exchange for implantations within its student bodies and aptitudes that conduce to proliferative (production) that they exhibit a generalized docility and obedience.
(B) Penal Apparatus
(C) "The Siyensya Sexualis" (i.e. Pseudo-scientific narrative/discourses concerning sexual identity formation)
The foregoing in his view, establish historically verifiable social grid "productive …show more content…

In my first reading of Michel Foucault’s book Discipline and Punishment, I looked at the penal system specifically the prison system as the center of the disciplinary society. Given how the prison seems to be the central idea in his work. But through looking at the other works of Foucault and after reassessing Discipline and Punishment I realized it was not that the prison system was at the center of a disciplinary society rather it was simply a part of the disciplinary system as a whole.
One key area that Foucault highlights early on in his book though is the transitioning of the penal systems in the late 18th century and in the beginning of the 19th century where he places side by side the torture and public execution of an individual and the daily schedule of young prisoners in Paris which is 80 years after the torture account; a transition from the old system wherein punishment, torture and public execution were all utilized as a means of separating those who cross their boundaries with the higher power which was at this time the …show more content…

The individual cells of the prisoners will have two windows one allowing light in from outside the wall of the prison and one facing the tower. The purpose of this is so the inmate is visible to the tower since the tower will be covered wide windows that make visible the whole view of the prison where there will be a guard to perform surveillance on the inmate but the inmate cannot see the guard. Visibility is used against the prisoners because darkness can protect them from acts they are