Founding Fathers Vs Patriotism

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The traditional American idealism of the founding fathers portrays them as patriotic freedom fighters. However, the context of a historical narrative is relative to the perspective from which it is given. For this reason, there are other perspectives in which the founding fathers can be characterized. From the British perspective, the founding fathers were not patriots, but rather seditionist, and insurrectionist. It is even arguable that the founding fathers from a modern perspective could be labeled as domestic terrorists. But is this a fair accusation? To begin with this question, it must first be acknowledged that labels like terrorist and patriot have a relative nature that goes beyond the confines of denotation. Be that as it may, in terms of a stricter understanding of the designations of terrorist and patriot, there are clear distinctions. In light of these distinctions, the founding fathers fit into the definition of patriot more so than the definition of terrorist. A patriot, by a simple definition, is an individual who vehemently supports their country. The word has a generally positive connotation, however, patriotism does not necessarily have to coincide with a positive national situation. There is also the question of how patriotism coincides with notions of national identity. Extreme, or misguided forms of patriotism can lead to terrible outcomes. In the case of the founding fathers, their patriotism did not extend to women, African Americans, or Native