Four Components Of Erving Goffman's Dramaturgical Theory

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According to the handout from lecture, the corrective process contains four major components (SOC 150 Lecture). The four major components the challenge of the face, making an offer, acceptance of an offer, and if there is an acknowledgement of acceptance (SOC Lecture 150). I made a mistake in my second post, I realized that the corrective process was not created Erving Goffman. I learned that after reading Jenna Pellowski's part two post that Erving Goffman created the dramaturgical theory. The dramaturgical theory is defined as the "…view of social life as essentially a theatrical performance, in which we are all actors on metaphorical stages, with roles, scripts, costumes, and sets" (Conley 135). For example, in part two I mentioned that I gave my friend Monica one of my s'mores because it is my role as a friend is …show more content…

The corrective process at Krysko Commons was similar to Erving Goffman's dramaturgical theory because the observation in Krysko contained the four major components of the corrective process. I was surprised by this because I believe that most social interactions do not fit the criteria of the corrective process. I believe that social media is to blame for this because people are communicating with each other through Facebook, Snapchat, and Twitter. Younger generations use emoticons and abbreviations to communicate. When I communicate with my friends with Snapchat it does not follow the corrective process because sometimes my friend will open a chat but not respond to it. The final step of the corrective process is often missed in social media because I could accept an offer and the other person would be less likely to acknowledge the acceptance. In today's society, the corrective process exists during face to face interaction between two people. On the other hand, society tends to deviate from the corrective process when interacting with other people on social