Essay On Elements Of Interpersonal Communication

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The elements in figure 1.4 on page 4, are important for interpersonal communication. The elements are source/encoder, receiver/decoder, messages, feedback, feedforward, channel, noise, context, and competence. All of these elements are connected in some sort way. Any change in these elements can cause the slightest change in a conversation. These interpersonal communications elements are in a circular process as shown in figure 1.4. Without the source, receiver or any of the other elements it wouldn't be an interpersonal communication. Each of these elements is necessary.
Since the process is in a circular cycle, anything can cause the process to be interrupted. For example, the receiver can be interrupted by noise. Noise can be anything from thoughts to outside noise. The channel can throw off someone who you are communicating with. The channel is a medium that signals pass through. A slight sign of annoyance can upset the other person whom can you are communicating with. For example, a teacher tells a …show more content…

When you ask someone something in person you will get an answer right away. However, if you can ask someone a question through email; You don't know when will you receive an answer back. Going back to the wedding example, in face to face conversation you receive the list of guest at the moment you ask your sister. When you asked your sister through email, you received the list a week later. Another difference of these channels are the occasions. Some messages are not appropriate to say over email. For example, you wouldn't email a family member about a loss. It would be very inappropriate. However you may have a question about the duel enrollment process. The best channel to ask for that would be computer-mediated channel. Computer-mediated interpersonal communication channels are effective when distance is a issure between the encoder and