The Mystic Chords Of Memory Summary

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The Mystic Chords of Memory The attempt Abraham Lincoln took to make all units of America civil and protected was listed and told in his first Inaugural Address. As the confederates and the Union were unable to come to terms with Lincoln’s statements, Civil War began soon after the Address was published. When president Lincoln wrote his speech to share with all units of the country, his main goal was to keep all states peaceful and together as one. While listing all rules and laws that were in place during the 1860’s, Abraham Lincoln’s famous statement beginning with “The Mystic Chords of Memory” stood out to others and created multiple effects for both Northern and Southern areas of the states. One effect that came from the Speech Lincoln …show more content…

Since Lincoln was attempting to still keep confederates on his side and have him receive their approval, he did not let any African Americans fight in the war. Going on, another effect of the words given in President Lincoln’s Inaugural Address was the extinction of slavery in 1865. During the war, Abraham Lincoln cautiously asked for slaves to be emancipated and released. While wanting to relieve those men and women from the violent homes, him and all people of the union knew it would lower the population for the confederates and give the opposing “team” more man power. With this occuring, there were very few states who had congressmen that were pro-slavery. As the war began to come to an end, confederates came to the realization that they were outnumbered by many and the union was not giving up. “The 13th amendment , which formally abolished slavery in the United States, passed the senate on April 8, 1864, and the house on January 31, 1865,” (Records Administration, 2005). Even though the amendment did not get passed by the house until a year after the senate did, slavery still became illegal and was looked at as inhumane for most. This was a great ending for the union, and the president since this amendment, along with the 14th and 15th, greatly expanded civil rights of …show more content…

Both Lincoln’s speech and the civil war had made great impacts to all who lived in the country of America. From 1865 and on, the population of the entire country worked to reconstruct America and become free of violence. As an effect of the conflict, Southerners then had to become part of certain military districts in order to keep them from seceding. With the nation reunited, the Federal government had proved their ruling over the states. Having everyone together as the United States of America gave everyone a roll and play in the everyday lives they lived and created a well organized work force for everybody. Industrialism had began from all of the wartime production and new technologies being created. As time went on, the country grew from fighting a war to working together. Forces from the south and the north were able to create work ethics together and unite to solve an issue or even create something new. Although african americans were already mixed in with whites in union states before the civil war, slaves were set free by the confederates and were given jobs for pay to support their own families. With the civil rights act also in place, giving equality to all men, african americans are assured that they are safe and apart of the human race. The country came together and learned to create an impact on the nation that benefited all. The country working as a whole reconstructed the way lives