Four Models Of Disability

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Introduction Different models of disability can be used to understand and explain the challenges that people with disabilities are confronted with (Duncan et al., 2009:235). In this essay I am going to define disability and I am going to outline the four models of disability. I will discuss how each model would view Susan’s disability by referring to the scenario given. Furthermore I will describe my thoughts and feelings related to Susan’s situation and how these thoughts and feelings might impact my future behaviour as a health professional. Lastly, I will describe what this means in my own professional development in terms of the knowledge, empathy and reflection dimensions of the IHP. Disability defined Disability can be defined as …show more content…

These models are the traditional model, the medical model, the social model and the integrated model of disability. (Duncan et al., 2009: 239). The traditional model of disability uses cultural references to explain or make sense of disability. The disability may be attributed to natural or supernatural causes and what the cause may be perceived to be, will define how the person with the disability is recognised in the community and will determine the kind of help that will be sought and who this help will come from. For example, if the community believes the cause of a disability to be natural (and therefore no one’s fault) they may be more willing to help and aim to provide the best help possible. (Duncan et al., 2009: 239). The medical model of disability explains someone as being disabled when he/she experience a difficulty or a problem with the manner in which their body functions or with a part of their body’s structure. This model views disability as a health problem that person has and that needs to be treated. The person experiences may be restricted in their interactions in the environment and performing ordinary activities. (Duncan et al., 2009: …show more content…

Structural barriers, such as the park not inclusive to wheelchair users and environmental barriers such as people believing she is under a spell and teasing her can be seen in the scenario. The integrated model of disability would view Susan’s disability as a health issue that arises due to the interaction between herself and her environmental and personal factors. Her disability would be defined as the interaction between her condition of Spina Bifida (her impairment), her being limited in the activities and being restricted in participation. (Duncan et al., 2009: