
Four Stages In The Goonies

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The Goonies

“The Goonies” (Spielberg, 1985) shows many attributes to “team” and “group” work and also considering the team is made up of children it is very relevant for my future E.A career. Below, I will demonstrate my theories through what I have learned so far in this course.
Four Stages of the group stages/cycle:
There are four stages of group development. These are called forming, storming, norming and performing. (Fitzgibbon, 2016).
• Forming
The first stage of the group cycle is the forming stage. As the story begins, the kids are just a group and certainly not a team. They are from the same neighbourhood, hanging out together. As the story unfolds, they become more and more part of one team with one goal: finding a treasure. This …show more content…

They go on their adventure not knowing what their responsibilities are - this makes them a group - but as the film goes on, they each use their abilities to their highest point, which brings them together and makes them a team. For example, Mikey is the leader of the group, he encourages his team members to go find the treasure. Chunk uses his strength to sit on Brand therefore the other boys can tie him up and they make a break to go on their adventure. He again uses his strength, charges a door and opens it unintentionally. In addition, Chunk has the role to be cautious and skeptical like when they look into entering the old restaurant and they are debating if people inside are customers or drug dealers. This also falls into “Interpersonal Needs” in the Safety needs category (Communicating in Small Groups, 2015). Data is the imaginative one with all of his gadgets which were very useful throughout their quest, such as setting booby traps in case the Fratelli family chases them. Andy uses her piano skills to open the door of the cave. Mouth is fluent in Spanish and uses this skill to translate the ancient map so that the team can understand it. This shows great team work as they all perform each of their skills to a high …show more content…

To find the hidden treasure to give to Mike and Brand’s parents in order to avoid foreclose on their house. They all seem to be devoted friends to each other and don’t want to see their friends leave. As it is clearly written in our textbook, a “goal is not enough” (Communicating in Small Groups, 2015) it should be essential, excite the members of the team and make them want to make important contributions. In the Goonies, we precisely see this demonstration throughout the film. This is evident when the team had a chance to be rescued from the well and miss their goal but decided to continue on the

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