Fourth Of July: A Short Story

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A “Smashing” Fourth of July
“WHOOSH”! The sound of the window well passing me by was only momentary, but it seemed like it lasted an eternity. The world went black when my body hit the ground, and it took quite a while for my eyes to open back up. From a distance, I heard, “...ierra! Sierra…!”
It started on the Fourth of July, when my family went to my sister’s boyfriend’s house to celebrate. The afternoon included a variety of fun activities, like bags and water balloons; not to mention that there was a bunch of delicious food! A bunch of peers from my church were there, as my sister met her boyfriend through church.
The highlight of the day was throwing water balloons at each other; it was quite a hot day, so it felt very nice to be splashed with cold water. Before long, we had run out of water balloons, and were reduced …show more content…

The best I could manage was sitting up, seeing as my left foot was cut and bruised. My father and the father of the household helped me out of the window well, but I was still in shock before getting out. There were bruises all over my right side, seeing as I had fallen on my side. My head had quite the bump, but that was the worst of it. I took a shower, got redressed, and spent the rest of the day with ice on my foot and head. Everything ended perfectly fine; we joked about it, and made a scary situation fun. It was near miraculous how I barely got hurt, seeing as the circumstances of the fall should’ve made me seriously injured. I tripped over the edge of the windowell rather than stepping in, which spared me from a broken bone; I fell on my right side rather than my head or neck; there happened to not be any bits of sharp garbage or rocks for me to fall on. The window well was six feet deep, after all! I still remember the lasting joke we made on the topic… “So, did you see your life flash before your eyes, Sierra?” “No, but I definitely saw the window pass

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