Frances Cabrini Row House Sociology

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This photo is of the Frances Cabrini row houses on the Near North Side of Chicago. It shows public housing projects that were built in the cities black ghettos. The city is completely segregated into racial sections, this segregation and the way it’s divided has remained almost unchanged since the 1960’s (Bogira). These neighborhoods were established back after the wars were over and jobs were harder to get. African Americans were denied access to unions and the ability to buy houses in certain areas were impossible due to redlining. This guaranteed that blacks were kept in very specific neighborhoods. In these areas unemployment was high and few were able to buy houses. Rental properties were not well maintained and crime became the norm. This is not to imply that cities declines were entirely due to racism but that African Americans just happened to be those primarily affected. Ecological and Social Disorganization Theory 's idea is that a city is separated into circles, or zones, radiating out from the center. The center of the city is the central business district and as you move outward from there, the less problems or crime is found. The first zone, as I mentioned, is the central business district which is where businesses and factories are found but few people actually live. The next zone is the zone of …show more content…

2014. Criminological Theory. 6th ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education inc. Rengifo, Andres F 2009. “Social Disorganization.” Oxford Bibliographies. Retrieved from Schalliol, David. “The Frances Cabrini row houses on the Near North Side.” Chicago Reader. February 10, 2011. Madyun, Na’im H. 2011. “Connecting Social Disorganization Theory to African-American Outcomes to Explain the Achievement Gap.” Educational Foundations v25 (n3-4):