
Frankenstein Impact

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What is so significant about the Frankenstein story and why did it impact the way how books are written today? Frankenstein can be seen as a public idol or some may say icon. Frankenstein has had significant moments in our history. The novel is written in epistolary form which means that it is narrated through letters and journal entries, This style of writing wasn’t common around this time so it gave readers a different perspective on the story. Furthermore, Mary Shelley is the creator of Frankenstein which she had made an impact on the literary world. Moreover, Frankenstein has been broadcasted in a variety of ways and is portrayed as a malicious monster. But, Frankenstein had a major impact on Literature which influenced future shows and …show more content…

Frankenstein was the first to use science and bring someone back to life in their story. It impacted the literature community to help create a creative and brilliant idea to help people who feel like they are outcasted. Frankenstein, Mary Shelley's masterpiece is indeed a groundbreaking novel that revolutionized the literary world. It introduced several literary innovations that have since become staples of modern literature. One of the most significant innovations was the use of multiple narrators and perspectives to tell the story. This technique allowed Shelley to explore the psychological and emotional depths of her characters in a way that had not been done before. Moreover, the use of science and technology as a central theme, which was relatively new at the time, was another innovation that made the novel unique. Frankenstein's obsession with creating life out of non-living matter was deemed as purely fictional, but it became an instant classic. With the use of vivid imagery and poetic language, Shelley captured the imagination of her readers, and her novel became a masterpiece of literature. Frankenstein's impact on the literary world is immeasurable, …show more content…

The scientist was obsessed with creating life, but it proved to be a mistake when a monster was born instead. The Frankenstein story has had numerous interpretations over the years, but it has been constant in the one storyline that goes as follows: The scientist carries out an experiment to bring his dead brother back to life. He does this by creating a monster, and it does come to life. The scientist is horrified when he sees his creation, but it then falls in love with him and wants to stay by his side forever. The scientist is aghast at his creation's feelings toward him, and he angrily throws it off a cliff into the sea, where it drowns. The scientist is plagued by guilt due to his action and spends the rest of his life trying to undo it. The novel Frankenstein is a work of fiction, but it has been described as a warning against the dangers of playing God. There are many literary elements that make the novel an inspiring work of literature. One element is the use of multiple narrators and perspectives. This allows the reader to get inside the head of the characters and gain a greater understanding of their personalities and motivations. Shelley also uses symbolism and allegory throughout the novel. This helps to create the atmosphere of unease and dread that pervades throughout the novel. The story of Frankenstein challenged the traditional gothic literature that was

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