Frankenstein Persuasive Essay

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A monster is a vague term that can have many interpretations. To most humans, a monster can be defined as an ugly hideous creature who acts very unconventionally and shows limited emotion. This is not the case; in fact, it is the definition of social discrimination. A monster has nothing to do with uncontrollable traits like appearance. A true monster is anyone who unfairly profiles somebody as a monster without understanding that person or showing any remorse. People like this spread this ideology of what a monster is like a virus to the point where an entire community can be infected as monsters. This “monster virus” still exists in today’s society and is impossible to neutralize. Monsters are only created by the influence of other monsters. …show more content…

The real monsters are people who think this way. The more self-conscious someone feels about themselves, especially their height or weight, can be factored in the way they feel or behave. If a person bullies someone with abnormal height or weight can make someone feel insecure about themselves because “Concerns about appearance and eating disorders are often linked to depression, anxiety, or low self-esteem” (Rhode 1046). If these people would stop discriminating against people based on these factors, there would be more solidarity within a community and there would be less “monsters” in human society. In the novel, the creature angrily complains to Victor, “Accursed creator! Why did you form a monster so hideous that even you turned from me in disgust?” (Shelley 119). The creature is obviously embarrassed about the way he looks. But that is only because of the way people judged him solely on the way he looks. De Lacey is the only person in the novel that treats him with any sort of kindness and that is only because he is blind and cannot see him. Even then, when he realized how ugly he was, he got scared and acted unconventionally. The creature’s as well as anyone else's insecurity and low self-esteem is due to how humans, the monsters, treat …show more content…

No matter how ridiculous the odds may seem, within people resides the power to overcome challenges and achieve something beautiful, and that one day, they look back at where they started and be amazed by how far they have come. Their interpretation of beauty, correct or not, could make someone a hero or a monster. People, “cannot alter someone's determination, but we can alter what one is determined for” (Rorty 347). If people generate a negative influence on another, that person’s intentions will be misguided. They will try hard to achieve something that they believe is correct. In the novel, since the creature’s intelligence is of a toddler, he was misguided from the day he was created. He says that, "I am not treacherous. I am not malicious. I seek only the truth, and in that pursuit, I will not be deterred" (Shelley 99). Throughout the novel, his main goal is to learn more about himself and meet new people, but that agenda changes as his new goals revolve around ruining Dr. Frankenstein’s life. Despite his lack of intelligence and understanding of the world, his determination would eventually allow him to achieve that goal and feels satisfied with his life now that he got what he wanted. Determination as a trait is powerful, but the influences of other people can cause others to use it improperly, making them monsters in