Frankenstein Play Analysis

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Frankenstein Frankenstein is a title that many people are familiar with – just hearing the word Frankenstein allows the listener to form a vision in their mind almost instantly. Though Frankenstein is highly popular, few people have taken the time to acknowledge and analyze the history and structure of the dynamic novel and play. On November 5, 2015 at eight p.m., I was able to attend the Frankenstein play which was an original interpretation presented by the Maryland Ensemble Theatre (MET). The format of the play that MET presented was a condensed and abstract version of the original play, and it lasted 70 minutes in a proscenium theatre. In the play there were 2 characters whom I found to be the most important to the play, they were Jack …show more content…

As the scene began the visual element, light, is used to focus in on Victor and his wife, but as Frankenstein came into the frame to kill Victor’s wife the light shifted so that we could see only him. Frankenstein’s costume in this scene included tarnished clothing as he was covered in sweat and shaking, and in his face and his actions fear and hurt could be seen. The audience could see that he had been so hurt that he felt revenge was the only option. The light then followed Frankenstein’s hands as he reached up to kill Victor’s wife, which created an eerie and suspenseful feeling. In this moment there was no sound other than the music, which is an aural element. The music had a slow tempo but it was deep in pitch which added an element of seriousness to the play. After Frankenstein had killed Victor’s wife, Victor looked at Frankenstein with sorrow in the eye’s and said that he understood, because he is now alone just as Frankenstein is. This is the first time in the play where Victor had displayed any feelings other than horror and resentment towards Frankenstein, and the mood in the play shifts dramatically. The change in mood was also depicted in the lighting that the MET provided, it went from a warm red background to a cool blue one. I believe at the end of this scene the theme of compassion and forgiveness was extremely relevant, and it displayed that everyone, regardless of how they look, has