Frankenstein Social Isolation Essay

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The Effect of Social Isolation in Frankenstein Frankenstein, a novel approximately over two hundred years old, has a pattern of consistent themes regarding mental health and loneliness. Throughout life and in literature, mental health has been stigmatized for centuries, causing uneducated and incorrect definitions of different illnesses to materialize. In the past, mental health wasn’t as recognized as it is today, however, scientists in the twentieth century can now recognize patterns in the information and literature written so long ago. In Frankenstein, it’s been noted that mental illnesses and personality disorders such as bipolar disorder, anxiety, and depression show persistent examples where that can be seen throughout the story. Varying …show more content…

With mental health first being documented in 1100 B.C. there have been millennia for scientific opinions to develop to get to where it is today. Before modern-day medicine, it’s been documented that throughout history, struggling with mental health was equivalent to the behavior and actions of animals. Furthermore, the lack of education made the treatment given to those struggling with mental health inflict physical damage upon the body. Ingrid Farreas, a professor at Hood College, published an online article in 2020 about the history of mental health, stating that “While inhumane by today’s standards, the view of insanity at the time likened the mentally ill to animals…who did not have the capacity to reason [and] could not control themselves.” (Farreras). During the period when Frankenstein was written and during the time of the story, mental health was often dismissed as just being “insane” with inhumane treatments. Farreas provides this evidence to …show more content…

Throughout his life, we get to see that Victor experiences certain highs and lows and patterns connecting to mental health. An example from the story could be when Victor realizes that “I was now alone…I must form my own friends and be my own protector.” (Shelley ch.3) This example shows Victor’s inner dialogue after he moves away from his home and to a college where he had no friends or any form of social support. This action and form of isolation only worsen his condition regarding his mental health, especially after the loss of his mother. Raheel Mushtaq, a psychiatrist with over 10 years of experience, published an article in 2014 connecting loneliness and mental health quoting that “Loneliness is caused not by being alone, but by being without some definite needed relationship or set of relationships.” This quote is used to help back up what was said previously, Victor became isolated in his late teenage years without any form of relationship or close contact with those he finds important, which in turn makes him worse mentally. Mushtaq also brings up that “Loneliness can have serious consequences for [the] mental and physical health of people.” It’s really because of this loneliness and isolation Victor is exposed to, the manifestation of mental disorders and his decline in physical health become more clear to the reader and those around