
The Theme Of Isolation In Frankenstein

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Mary Shelley, in her book, Frankenstein, has a reoccurring theme of isolation, in which she isolates the main character, Victor Frankenstein, from the rest of society in order to create a creature. Likewise, the creature that is created is also isolated from the rest of society as he is rejected from his creator as to his appearance. The theme is present throughout the novel as it reinforces Victor’s downfall from a normal boy to a grown man intrigued with creating life as he slowly becomes a madman that everyone soon fears. Isolation causes a loss of humanity as it affects the mind and body. Isolation from society does not teach social interaction, causes regret about oneself, provides one with negative feelings, and causes regretful actions. Frankenstein's description of the creature present him as disgusting and horrifying. The description of the creature makes him feel as if he is unwanted, his father rejected him, so he became an outsider and was isolated from the rest of society, since he believes no one cares for him. In society nowadays, there is a large fear of social interaction due to the overprotection of parents. For example, psychiatrists are concerned with child development patterns of adolescents who were overprotected during their childhood and do not know how to properly interact with …show more content…

His drive for knowledge drove him to create the creature, and after it was created he soon came to regret his thirst for knowledge. For instance, after the creature came to life, he could not stand to go back into his laboratory as it would remind him of his regretful creation. The creature also came to regret himself as his, ‘father’ regretted creating him. The creature tells Walton, that he deeply regrets having become an instrument of evil and that with his creator dead, he is ready to die ( chapter 24). Anyone who has come to regret themselves or their actions, will inevitably lead to their

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