Frankenstein Book Report

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Frankenstein begins when a man named Captain Walton takes a ship into the Arctic Ocean. He is hoping to make important scientific discoveries. His ship gets stranded for a few days when a she device forms all around it. To his amazement, he and his crew see a gigantic man about eight feet tall driving a dog sled across the ice until it disappears in the distance. A little later they see a normal sized man on another dog sled chasing the first one. This man is almost dead from exhaustion and exposure so they take him aboard. The man is Victor Frankenstein. Walton becomes friends with him and while Frankenstein was recovering, he tells Walton his story. Frankenstein grew up in Geneva, his father had been an important figure in the government …show more content…

Frankenstein had to watch her die. Frankenstein goes with his family on a sightseeing trip. And one day, when he goes mountain climbing by himself, the monster appears to him and makes him sit down and listen to a story. Frankenstein would rather kill him but he listens. The monster describes how he came to life completely disoriented. He didn’t know how to speak or understand language and he had to get used to the feel of his own body and to figure out basic concepts like light and dark, heat and cold, and hunger and thirst. He wandered out into the forest where he could hide and look for berries and nuts. The first human he sees is an old man in a hut who runs away in terror because the monster is so hideous. He’s fascinated by the first village he walks into, but the residents are terrified and they drive him off by throwing things at him. He finally found shelter in this little shed built up against the side of a cottage. He can look through a crack and observe the people who live there, but they don’t know he’s there. These people are called the De Lacey’s. A brother and sister named Felix and Agatha and their blind old father who plays the …show more content…

And the monster learns along with her. He learns to read and write in about good and evil about the history of human societies. In the woods he finds 3 books, Paradise Lost, The Sorrows of Young Werther, and Plutarch lives and he reads the papers that were in Frankenstein’s dressing gown which revealed who Frankenstein is, where he lives, and how he came to make the monster. The monster starts to hate Frankenstein for giving him such an awful, lonely existence and abandoning him since he’s too ugly to make friends with anyone. The monster learns the story of these people. The De Lacey’s were rich family in Paris but Felix helped a wealthy Turk escape from prison because he felt sorry for him. So the governments took the De Lacey family’s money and banish them and they went to live in the cottage. The Turk did escape from the prison but he abandoned Felix afterward, but the Turk’s daughter, Safie, have fallen in love with Felix so she escaped to come marry him. The monster wants to be friends with the De Lacey’s and he decided that if he goes to talk to the old man first, the old man will listen because he’s