Frankenstein Theme Of Loneliness Essay

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In this excerpt from Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, the scene reveals the creature’s desperation to befriend the Delaceys to escape his loneliness. After approaching the old Delacey, he expresses his yearning for companionship and protection from his family. However, Felix, Safie, and Agatha suddenly enter the hovel and confronts by the creature. The creature’s rejection is shown by the “horror” (96) on the faces of his friends and being struck “violently with a stick” (97). His only link to humanity is broken, and he is isolated from society. This passage exhibits the central themes of loneliness and rejection as experienced by the creature. The themes are also prevalent in other characters throughout the novel, such as Victor Frankenstein and …show more content…

In his second letter to his sister, he states that he has “no friend” (4) and that he desires the “company of a man” (4). Although Walton is on a ship full of men, he still feels lonesome. He is not physically alone, but emotionally, as he is not around people who have the same interests as him. This parallels the creature as both characters desire a companion to improve their current state of suffering. They want someone who is able to empathise and understand them. The isolation that Walton experiences is caused by his devotion to his expedition. He desires to “tread a land never before imprinted by the foot of man” (1). This alienates him from society because he is searching a place that has no inhabitants. Unlike the creature, Walton does find the “admirable being” (157) in Victor Frankenstein. He learns about the dangers of ambition, which ultimately induced loneliness in Frankenstein and him. When his perfect companion dies, a sense of pathos is developed for Walton because the friend he has always wanted is no more. But, Frankenstein serves as a warning to Walton about the dangers of ambition and isolation. Walton’s loneliness was caused by his ambition, and by seeing the consequences of that path, he decides that risking his life is not worth the rewards. Robert’s loneliness takes the form of wanting a companion who understood him, and it originated from his aspirations of exploring a desolate