
The Selected Passage Shows Walton's Determination In Frankenstein

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6. The diction in the selected passage shows Walton’s determination. This was make clear when Walton said: “ Why not still proceed over the untamed yet obedient element? What can stop the determined heart and resolved will of a man?” When Walton says “why not” this shows determination and even being a little cocky. Walton also says “determined man” clearing showing his determination to complete the task.
8. The reader’s first perception of Victor Frankenstein is that he is crazy. This is a fair judgement because Frankenstein is first seen dog sledding and then when offered to get onto Walton’s boat out of freezing water hesitates. Frankenstein can be perceived as to having a strange altitude of loneliness when he is with Walton.
9. Walton …show more content…

Victor doesn’t like Krempe because he doesn’t like the subject he teaches and that he said that Victor wasted his time in his studies when Krempe asked Victor if he “really spent your time in studying such nonsense?” The only action by Krempe that helps Victor is moving him in Waldman’s direction. Victor likes Waldman more since he treats him better and told him that alchemy is essentially not as helpful as real science which was to Victor’s liking. Ingolstadt is a medical and scientific university that caught Victor’s eye as it allowed him to perform experiments during his time there. The effect of the setting is to open Victor’s mind and improve and enlarge his confidence which later leads to a mistake on his part.
24. ‘ “Dear maintains! my own beautiful lake!” ’ This quote shows his tone of sadness right by where he used to be very happy. Imagery is also exhibited to convey his attitude at the time in the book when it was written: “ I watched the tempest so beautiful yet terrific, I wandered with a hasty step. Both these examples indicate the mood of Victor at this eventful time in the …show more content…

The monster finds the cottagers to be “excellent creatures”(77) and is intrigued by their humble lifestyle. To help the cottagers begins to collect wood for the cottage and during the winter he made a path for them to get to their hunting area. The cottagers are people impoverished and have to life out in the country because of that.
36. The monster begins to understand his place in the world, or rather that he doesn’t really have a place. When the monster says “ I was alone,” it shows that he is the only one of his kind and therefore shouldn’t truly exist. He begins to wonder why he was created and mainly why god let this happen. The monster curses god after he fails to obtain a friendly relationship with the cottagers.
37. In Paradise Lost, Satan’s actions are often evil though some are noble. The creature in Frankenstein shows similar attributes since he carries out evil acts as well but occasionally does a noble deed, or at least attempts to. In both novels, these are polar opposites as one shows the dark side of a character while the other shows the character’s lighter side. An analogy for this could be heaven and hell which are also two settings in Paradise Lost.

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