
The Unreliable Narrator In Mary Shelley's Frankenstein

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The novel Frankenstein, written by Mary Shelley depicts certain ideas that can not be described or written within novels. For example, the telling of the story between three different narrators can teach the reader about putting together “pieces of a puzzle” in order to understand the plot of the story. The three narrators in Frankenstein are Victor, Walton, and the Creature, all with very distinct personalities and character traits. Of these storytellers, Victor could possibly be debated as the most extraordinary. The qualities that make Victor pictured as this unique character, that the fact that he is a dynamic character, and that he is an unreliable narrator. His personality and traits are different and similar to some of the other narrators such as the creature. Victor is pictured as an inimitable chronicler through the fact that he is a dynamic character throughout the course of the novel. It is debatable that he changes as the story processes through and how he begins to understand his current surroundings through the creature and himself. For example, before the creation, he states, “His limbs were in proportion, and I had selected his features as beautiful. Beautiful! Great God! His yellow skin scarcely covered the work of muscles and arteries …show more content…

The main idea is the use of three different narrators to tell the story. Victor Frankenstein, one of the narrators, is extraordinary in the fact that he is a dynamical character and someone who is unreliable, to tell the truth of the plot. Although he may be different, he could be compared and contrasted to other narrators such as the creature in multiple ways. The novel Frankenstein could be compared to a courtroom in session, because although all the witnesses are present, the details of each story come out differently, forcing the jury to piece out the puzzle before making

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