Frankenstien Essay

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Throughout Mary Shelley's "Frankenstien," a monster introduces itself with a powerful triumph to embark on its emotional journey in society. The novel opens up with the scientist being worried and scared about his creation. Mary Shelley employs the feelings of being burnt-out and feeling restless to portray the anxiety that the scientist was experiencing at that very moment. Through the use of these earth-shattering and intense feelings, Mary Shelley enhances the stylistic choices of imagery, allegory, and grotesque atmosphere to thicken the plot of Frankenstein. As the story unfolds, the scientists feeling about this project truly shows the passion and determination behind this project. The inner-turnmoil that he experiences directly correlates …show more content…

The start of the passage begins with the scientist feeling worried about his project failing or succeeding. However, once he finishes the project, he feels a sense of relief. These emotions directly contradict their feelings in the first portion of this passage. Shelley shows the scientists emotions by saying, "Relief, a wave of pure, unadulterated relief, washed over me" (Shelley 2). This quote explores the feelings, thoughts, and emotions that the scientist was feeling after the project was over. The scientist initially felt these emotions because he did not want his monster to look disgusting. The thoughts the scientists had about his creation introduce an allegory. The allegory of this story is that humans are blinded and are too worried about appearances and things that they cannot control. As I addressed in my first paragraph, the scientist felt so anxious about his creation that he was physically losing sleep about it. The relief that you feel after a project is what keeps the cycle of putting yourself through misery is what keeps the cycle going until the breaking point. Therefore, through the use of an allegory, Shelley shows that the reward of feeling relief after grief is what keeps humans worried about outcomes that they cannot