Frederick Douglass Autobiographies

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Frederick Augustus Washington Bailey, better known as Frederick Douglass, was an Af-rican - American abolitionist. He is a historic figure in the black community; he not only escaped slavery, he also wrote many autobiographies about his experience as a slave. He wrote and spoke about slavery, but he also talked about a wide range of ideas ranging from peace and, land re-form to women’s right. He generally spoke and wrote about times during the Civil War in which most of his life changing events happened. Frederick Douglas, born Frederick Augustus Washington Bailey was born sometime in February 1818, the date is unknown, but he later chose to celebrate his birthday on February 14. He passed away of a massive heart attack on February 20, 1895 at the age of 77. He had two wives in his lifetime, one Anna Murrary he married at the age of 20. It only ended when she passed away in 1882. His second wife, …show more content…

Douglass is also best known for his very first autobiography Narrative of the life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave (National Historic Site D.C.). Not many people be-lieved that this was possible, who could a black slave be so literate and have written such a great piece of literature. There are three versions of his autobiography, and each is just a revision of the other, adding and revising what was said in the one before. Douglass spent two years in Ireland and Britain, where he gave numerous lectures in churches. While in Britain, Douglas became le-gally free when a few British supporters raised enough money to buy his freedom from Thomas Auld. When he returned to America, Douglass worked on women’s right and letting a woman do what a man can. He said he could not accept the right to vote as a black man if a woman could not also vote. Douglass supported women’s suffrage, but believed that white women already re-ceived some privilege through their