Abortion Vs Pro Life Essay

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A big argument today is should abortion be legal, the two main groups are Pro-Choice and Pro-Life. People who are Pro-Choice believe that women should be able to have the choice to abort their baby or keep it. Whereas people who are Pro-Life believe that abortion should be banned because they think that women should have the baby no matter the situation. I am Pro-Choice, I believe that women should be able to make their own decisions about whether to keep a baby or not. Different people have different circumstances in their life that make them might not want a baby. Abortion should be legal in all states because it is a simple right woman should be given. When a woman is determined to have an abortion it not being legal may not stop them. In the past when abortion was an illegal act there were many black market and “back alley” abortions. Black market abortions are twice as much as legal abortions and they are very dangerous for both the mother and the baby. About 68,000 women died in the world died wach year from unsafe abortions. Abortions today can still be very costly and not many insurance companies cover them. When women aren’t able to afford an abortion or when they don't have access to one they may try to self induce one. Another reason why many …show more content…

They say that abortion is murder and that it is killing a life when it has no choice. However, sometimes an abortion is better than the life they could have even if that sounds bad it's true. People are against abortion but they don't think about the situation that caused the pregnancy, yes some are just mistakes that people made but others could have gotten pregnant though ways that weren't their own. An example is if a woman is raped and she gets pregnant from it. If she has the baby it might remind her of the man who raped her and she will take out her anger on the child even though it wasn't their

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