
Free Essay: Child Labor And The Industrial Revolution

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Child Labor and the Industrial Revolution
Children who worked had very rough lives and had many problems with their health. Many kids over the years had many problems with their body. Most of them had diseases such as Tuberculosis or Vitamin D deficiency. Most of the weren’t even able to get public education for they had to work almost 12 hours a day. In the early 20th century, many children suffered from many issues while working.
Imagine having to work 12 hours a day in the mines or textile mills. That’s what many kids had to do. They worked and worked and almost had no breaks in between which had caused them to get sick. As stated in Children Hurt of Work the author says,” They suffered from Vitamin D deficiency because they rarely ever saw the sun.” What the author is trying to prove is that kids are forced to do a man’s work. They are little kids from the ages of eight all the way to sixteen working in coal mines, textile mills, servicing industries etc. Also quoting Children Hurt of Work. “ Children suffered from many diseases …show more content…

Many kids had to listen to loud noises, work in the dark, have no sunlight for an average of 12 hours per day. They had to operate with machinery that they had to be careful with. Many of them had died just trying to operate machinery that was very complicated, which in fact had to do it in a very laborious way. Machinery was in fact new to the country for they were just introduced to the train or the railroad. Many were fascinated by the fact that they had a new way of transportation across the land. As said in Industrial Revolution, “ It was a drastic transformation in English and European goods for human consumption.” Many people were fascinated by how machines have been making a difference in America. They wanted to make new inventions so that they could make some easy money. Machines in America have made a big difference in what we have

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