Free L-Tryptophan Case Summary

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According to the article called “ Free L-Trytophan plasma levels in antisocial violent offenders” by Jari Tilhonen, Multi Virkkunan, Pirkka Rusanen, Sirrjoa Pennanen, Eevarliisa Sainio, james Callaway, Pirjo Halonwn, and Jyrki Liesiviuori, they stated that tryptophan is the dietary precursor of serotonin and a deficiency is either tryptophan intake or it is metabolism which can cause mental disorders. (Tihonen, Virkkunan, Rusanen, Pennnanen, Sainio, Callaway, Halonwn, &Liesiviouri, 2013). In the past, it was several studies that reported that depressed individuals have low tryptophan. Lucca et al had discovered in their case study that violent offenders have low levels of L-tryptophan and plasma levels. It also have been discovered that it is linked between alcohol abuse and low L-tryptophan can cause violent behavior. According to the case study conducted by Buyden et al , they discovered that individuals that have low plasma levels in L-tryptophan and abuse alcohol are likely to committed violent crimes. Other theorist s discovered increase of aggressive behavior in violent offenders because high plasma levels of tryptophan. It has only been two case studies were conducted to evaluate the high levels of plasma in L-tryptophan, and it caused aggressive behavior in male. Eriksson and Lidberg had found that high levels plasma in …show more content…

It was discovered that was 160 percent of plasma levels that value of controls of 95 percent. Seventeen out of nineteen subjects had free L-tryptophan and plasma level. It also other components like substance abuse and levels of plasma can result in violent behavior. The low levels of plasma in L-tryptophan can cause aggression. High levels of plasma an cause no significant difference in aggressive behaviors patterns of criminal offenders (Tihonen, Virkkunan, Rusanen, Pennnanen, Sainio, Callaway, Halonwn, &Liesiviouri,