
Free Sexuality In Duncan's Death Of Duncan

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“They are watching it on the screen with their after-dinner coffee cups beside them”
Since the beginning of the story, it shows the love of Harald and Claudia. They are sitting on the sofa watching TV. They are sharing like a couple. Their love and passion seem to be opened to one another. They have been married more than 20 years, but they still spend time together.
“They made the decision to give up the house with and move into this townhouse complex with grounds maintained and security- monitored entrance…”
For them it is very important to keep in touch. They already do not live with their son. They have passed to another period of their lives, now they meet every afternoon in the living room of the house to watch television. This …show more content…

For example, he is described as a devoted love by the Defense that even he could commit a crime for the person he loves. It was the act of cheating between Carl and Natalie that makes Duncan feel less masculine, depriving him of his male and strength role as a man as it is described by the psychiatrist.

… He said in evidence ‘Revenge for what. I don't own either of them, they are free to do as they like.” Duncan knows about the free sexuality that is practiced in the society live, but he could not stand this one, because the person he cares and former lover were having sex in front of him. Something in his favor is that he did not kill Carl when he discovered the couple. It was maybe because if he had killed Carl at the moment he found them on the living room having sex he could have killed Natalie too.

After verdict Duncan’s father feel ashamed because he wonders what they failed in raising a son who has become a killer. It is something startling for someone whom do not accept his son is going to be in jail for at least five years. There is no doubt that Harald feels more astonished and has suffered more during the process and culmination of the trial. It is maybe because he is remorseful for the love and affection he believes did not give to Duncan when he needed

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