
Freedom Of Death By Susan B Anthony

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Voting is a right that we all should be able to take part in as an American citizen. The passage “Is it a Crime for a Citizen of the United States to Vote?” by Susan B. Anthony uses logos by using her reasoning to express the truth that voting is not a crime. The passage “Freedom of Death” by Emmeline Pankhurst, uses ethos to persuade the audience that through her own experience she is able to relate to the effectiveness of the right for women to vote. Susan B. Anthony highlights how important it is for equal rights to be present and Emmeline Pankhurst reveals how women rights are always compared to men. America is the land of the free and all citizens, both men and women should be able to exercise their right to vote. Susan claims, “ I not only committed no crime, but, instead, simply exercised my citizens' right, guaranteed to me and all United States citizens by the
National Constitution, beyond the power of any state to deny.” This quote implies that Susan is trying to prove how her personal experience of voting should not have been counted against her since citizens of the United …show more content…

Emmeline states, “American women are so well off, most of the men of the United States quite calmly acquiesce in the fact that half of the community are deprived absolutely of citizen rights, and we women, in trying to make our case clear, always have to make as part of our argument , and urge upon men in our audience the fact - a very simple fact - that women are human beings.” This quote reveals how women and men are compared and women are not even considered human beings. However, women play a vital role in society and should be treated as such. This example is effective because it shows how Emmeline feels about women and not being isolated or left behind because of men feminist ways. By using revolutionary methods, women, while compared to men, ideally demanded their position as citizens in

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