Freya Character

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>But, if they read only Twitter comments, no wonder the show is a mess. How can you explain anything properly in 140 characters? Right, although she did say that some people type what they need to say down, screen shot it, and then post that instead. Even so, the majority of them is probably advocating a ship and not actual plot or anything actually important. Why don't you watch AfterBuzz anymore? Did they annoy the fuck out of you? When I first started watching all you hear is ship, ship, ship, ship a million times. I just tune it out and chat with the people in the live stream when they start that up. >Not some little fuck-wad doing magic and having teenie booper problems. I have had enough of Hope and Hayley and their never ending quest to make them the MOST SPESHUL BEINGS IN ALL OF THE UNIVERSE. …show more content…

Dating someone does not equate to family though. As for Hayley "saving" the family eh, Freya ultimately saved them because if she hadn't have done the spell to put them in a coma like state they would all be dead. If Hayley had chosen not to revive them, they would still be alive just unable to wander about in the real world. For Hayley's part she found a witch to siphon Rebekah's curse - probably Valerie, I wonder if she works at the Salvatore school - and a cure for Freya somehow, Mary found out where Keelin was, Keelin's venom helped the Mikaelson's, and Freya did the spell to create a cure. Apparently Hayley couldn't find anything for Marcel's bite for five years but Mary did. Shouldn't we be saying Mary's apart of the Mikaelson family then? It wasn't just all Hayley and that still doesn't make her family because if that's the case a lot of other random's should be considered family for helping the Mikaelson's out but they