Friends With Kids Film Analysis

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In general, marriage and parenthood are two important life events that people experience in their lifetime. They used to be combined in the past because of the traditional value which is having children after marriage. However, in society today, the traditional value is becoming less popular compared to the past since society has expanded the definitions of family to a wider range to include that of single-parent and homosexual families. The movie, Friends with Kids, depicts the story of two 30-year-old friends named Julie and Jason and how they choose to have a child but only stay as friends. The reason why they do not get married is because they are not into each other, and because they believe that the quality of marriage will decline when …show more content…

The Symbolic Interaction Theory explains that “the more the transitional procedures are unambiguous, the greater the ease of transitioning into a new role (Roy, Schumm, & Brit, 2014, p. 39). First, Julie and Jason want this child, so it’s not an unplanned pregnancy, and they are thrilled to become parents. Julie endures the pregnancy for nine months, and she gives birth to her baby spontaneously while Jason accompanies her. Also, their way of child care is successful because of Jason’s crucial support. In the lecture on Parenthood and Family, Professor Roy states that spousal support is crucial to mothers, and fathers’ participations bring a lot of benefits such as decrease mother’s stress (Roy, 2015). After Joe’s birth, Jason, as a responsible father, helps with child care such as waking up at 3:00 a.m. to take care the crying baby and changing the diaper. Also, he provides emotional support to Julie when she is confused with her role as a good mother when the baby can’t stop crying. In addition, Julie’s mother offers the assistance, and Jason’s father gives them a check to support child rearing financially. All these supports and preparations make the beginning transits great and

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