Fuk Ching Crime Gang Analysis

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A Chinese transnational organized crime gang came into existence in the mid 1980’s. They called themselves the “Fuk Ching Gang” and they are comprised of a group of young Chinese men from China’s Fujian Province. They are based in the Chinatown section of New York. The types of crime they pride themselves son is extortion, protection rackets, and he victims of their crimes are usually businesses. Fuk Ching likes to smuggle young woman from China into the Unites States where they are used as pawns in a prostitution operations. These women are smuggled as a human trafficking operation, coerced and exploited on the streets of the US. The Fujian Province is the mainland for snagging the women to be smuggled and trafficked in the US, There are currently only 35 active members; however there are 2 plus members incarcerated in various prisons. In reference to the US, this is one of the smaller organized crime families, and they do not have corrupt connections to judges and/or law enforcement, but they can manipulate the political system. …show more content…

These women are treated poorly and used to unexplainable and indescribable acts in order to keep their life. In a Newsweek article published in 1993, it stated the reputed crime boss, Guo Liang, aka Ah Kay, ordered to have two of his top Lieutenants killed. This phone conversation was talked by the FBI and used as evidence against Liang. This is just one of the techniques law enforcement uses as a tool to combat crimes the Fuk Ching gang commits. Also the FBI has also been using surveillance in determining other illegal activities the gang has been conducting. When Liang was arrested in China, there were 14 members arrested in the