Full Metal Bullet Film Themes

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Stanley Kubrick is a well-known film producer who has produced a host of films that are regarded today as classics. One of these films in particular is Full Metal Jacket (1987), which is an anti-war film. The film has been nominated for an Oscar among other prestigious recognitions. Being that it is anti-war, Full Metal Jacket does a superb job of depicting the realities of war. After seeing this film, the images and ideas produced will leave you wanting to have no participation in any aspect of war. This was Kubrick’s main initiative. The theme of this film is that war, and the effects it has on the people involved in the process. Although the training boot camp is supposed to prepare the men in the film for war, it also has a significant effect on their psyche. War is dehumanizing and debilitating. The men in the film are prepped to become indifferent to death, pain and violence. One scene in particular …show more content…

Instead of dropping his weapon Pyle snarls, and aims it at Hartman. Pyle continues to breathe deeply. Hartman carries on yelling at Pyle and asks him, “What is your major malfunction.” This a very popular quote from the film. Hartman is able to get a few more words out before he is shot in the chest by Pyle. All we see is blood explode from his chest. In slow motion, Hartman falls to the ground and we hear his baritone shriek of pain. Pyle then points his weapon at an especially petrified Joker who pleads for him to “go easy.” Pyle slowly lowers his weapon and backs into the darkness to sit down, once again, on the toilet. The toilet, is essentially, his throne in this world of sh*t that he is in. The fact that Pyle did not kill Joker shows where they stand friendship-wise. Pyle cares enough for Joker not to kill him. He seems exhausted both mentally and physically at this point. All the while, the background music continues to add a dark suspense to the