Full Metal Jacket Theme

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Critique on “Full Metal Jacket” “Full Metal Jacket” a provocative movie full of themes that raise a lot of questions. “Full Metal Jacket” was an awkwardly amusing movie, if those are the right words to describe it. The movie has a humorous side, but one can still understand the seriousness of the issues shown throughout the movie, especially during the first part. It showed how in basic training men are trained to lose their identity, during the actual war scenes the men seem to completely lose themselves and become some sort of machine. After losing themselves the soldiers seem to become part of the theme of men’s self-destruction. In a way all three of the themes seem to lead to one another. The movie also showed how our culture has evolved immensely. Since the Vietnam War was nationally televised and known for being highly disagreed with, and that in a way is similar now with the wars that are happening around the world. The majority of the people in the US, especially the younger generations seem to be anti-war much like the ones living during the 60’s. In a way there are a lot of similarities, however there are still some differences especially in the way women are treated, and other than the one sniper in the end of the movie there …show more content…

Machine. The men throughout the movie are forced to change drastically. They change themselves in order to be desensitized war and do what they were “programmed” to do. The soldiers all had to wake up, eat, and practice at the same time, and they even go to the extent of shaving their heads. The soldiers are meant to look and be alike, and eventually brainwashed. They are taught that the inclusion of the United States in the war is justified. From the beginning the soldiers were shaped to be the way they are. Kubrick did a remarkable job at showing how war changed the soldiers into becoming a machine, like where the one soldier is shooting at people from the