Fully Automatic Cars

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Fully automatic cars will be a big part of the future of the United States. Many cars already have automatic elements in them, such as the Tesla model X, and SUV designed by Tesla Motors, that can sense cars around it and avoid crashes without the human having to react. Automatic cars are coming. How will automatic cars affect the United States civilians and army? Driver’s license will still be necessary until cars are completely automatic. This is because the human will have to take control of the wheel at times, even if the car has automatic elements. However, when cars are fully automatic, a driver’s license will not be necessary. The steering wheel will disappear, along with the rest of the dashboard. Human assistance will not be necessary …show more content…

Nonetheless, there is still some problems with autonomous cars that need to be solved. One problem is a car’s computer could be compromised, or hacked. This could lead to people being able to control where other people go, and if they crash or not. Another problem is the loss of driving related jobs. Taxi drivers, pizza deliverers, and truck drivers will no longer be needed. An autonomous car could be programmed to make the routes without a human driver. This could lead to thousands more people becoming unemployed and ultimately hurt the economy. Perhaps the greatest problem with autonomous cars is that it is yet to be tested how a car will react to snow, rain, or other weather conditions. A car's sensors might not work in heavy snow or rain, and this could lead to more crashes. Lastly, it is also unknown how a car will make ethical decisions. One example of this is if a crash is unavoidable, what path does the car take to minimize the damage to the passengers. The car would have to choose from several possible paths, and the choices could cause the computer to malfunction, leading to more injuries. These problems could all affect the citizens of the United States. Everyone drives in bad weather at some point, and if an autonomous car cannot be ridden in while it is raining, it could lead to missed appointments, possible deaths, and other small calamities. The loss of jobs will hurt …show more content…

Speed limits would increase with the introduction of fully autonomous cars, because they can react to the situation faster. This would lead to less time on the road, and thus less time for a crash to occur , and a civilian to be injured. This would also allow workers to sleep in more, as they could leave later for work. Sleeping in more would lead to a more productive worker, and allow him or her to do their job better. Fully autonomous cars would also lead to more cars on the road at once, but with less traffic congestion. Safety gaps would be reduced with the introduction of fully autonomous cars. More cars would be able to fit on the highway, because less space would be needed to protect the people inside the cars from crashing. To continue, less parking space would be necessary. A fully autonomous car would be able to drop someone off, then leave for a place with less cars to park. It could then return later and pick the person back up. Doing this would cut the costs of building parking garages, as they would not need to be as big. Citizens would no longer have to walk to their cars. Cars that can pick up a person would also help those with disabilities. It is hard for a person with a disability that prohibits their ability to move to get to their car. With fully autonomous cars, they would only have to walk a few feet to enter their car. More cars on the